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"The Assist program is a very easy and safe way to help minister to someone in need.  The emails are sent using an alias, and the Washers are mediators for the whole thing.  When an inmate writes, you have time to pray and think through your response and look up verses to help. I often simply share how the Lord is working in my life and the verses He is teaching me. It is very simple and straightforward."

--Becky, Church Member, Florida 

"I have felt blessed to be able to correspond with inmates.  It has helped me in my Christian walk.  You might wonder how that could be. Inmates have alot of questions about life and especially the Bible and Jesus Christ.  Finding the answers has caused me to search the Scriptures more diligently.  It has caused me to reflect more upon my life and the abundant grace and mercy God has shown to me and really to each one of us as believers. Some have not yet committed their life to Christ.  That is indeed a privilege to lead one to faith in Christ. Our world is changing rapidly and leading to a soon return of Jesus.  I like sharing that news as well."

--Mary, Church Member, South Carolina


When I signed up to share my testimony with inmates I thought it would give me the opportunity to help some inmates on the inside. As a 40 year old struggling with alcohol addiction I heard about the life changing power of Jesus Christ. When I repented of my sins and ask Jesus to forgive me and trusted him as my personal lord and savior, He did as he promised. Bible says he was crucified & died on a cross for my sins but rose on the 3rd die defeating death & sin. Jesus changed my life and His power gave me strength to stop drinking, cursing and living a life of sin. Sharing my testimony with inmates has resulted in me being blessed to hear how the power of Jesus has affected the lives of inmates. God's word is powerful and can change lives causing men to walk away from the booze & drugs that destroy lives. As the hymn says Jesus can take the foulest of sinners and bring them to be his followers. Bible says Jesus as God in the flesh came down from heaven to save sinners and I am one of those sinners he saved. He did for me and he wants to do it for you. I have been a follower of Jesus for 35 years - he loves me & I love him.

--Don (Church Member), Illinois

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